DRI’s work and media campaigns have exposed to the world the horrors these children face. The New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Huffington Post, BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN, social media, ABC, NPR, NBC, news and documentaries – just to name a few - have continually covered DRI’s work, including DRI’s opinion and editorial pieces, resulting in uninterrupted pressure on those who have the power to assist in making change.

Disability Rights International Alleges Torturous Practice Against Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in France

Washington, DC – February 23, 2012 - Disability Rights International (DRI) calls on the French government to end the barbaric and archaic practice of “packing therapy” – a so called treatment for children diagnosed with autism – and children with psychosis - treated in psychiatric and educational facilities managed by the French Ministry of Health across the country. Either naked or clad in underwear only, packing involves wrapping the child’s entire body in wet, refrigerated sheets or towels, with only the head exposed, and rendering it impossible for the child to move.

6 months old, and left to die.

Dear DRI Supporters,

Several weeks ago, I visited a baby house in Eastern Europe. It houses about 130 infants and small children, a third of whom are children with disabilities. Most babies are eventually returned to their birth parents, put into foster care or are adopted. But not the babies with disabilities. They have nowhere to go.

JRC Banned from Shocking New Admissions

November 7, 2011-- Washington, DC -- This week we can celebrate a major victory against torture of people with disabilities in the United States.   The Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) adopted new regulations last week that greatly restrict the intentional use of pain as a form of treatment - including the use of electric shock, seclusion, and restraints on young children and adults with disabilities.

Historic Victory against Segregation in Serbia

Belgrade, Serbia--July 28, 2011-- Disability Rights International's partner in Serbia, Mental Disability Rights Initiative (MDRI-S), supported by a wide network of human rights and disability groups, succeeded this week in pressuring the European Union to back down from funding the reconstruction of six institutions for people with disabilities in Serbia.  The €5.1 million ($7.3 million USD) project has now been redrafted to support the creation of community services that allow children and adults to leave institutions and live in the community

DRI finds children and adults with disabilities disappeared, trafficked, and abused in Mexico’s psychiatric facilities and orphanages

  • Click here to watch ABC Nightline Coverage
  • Click here to read about DRI's investigation in the New York Times

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – November 30, 2010 – Following a year- long investigation, Disability Rights International (DRI) and the Comisión Méxicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPD