Left Behind in the War: Dangers Facing Children with Disabilities In Ukraine’s Orphanages

In late April 2022, Disability Rights International (DRI) brought a team of people with disabilities and family activists, including medical and disability service experts, to visit Ukraine’s institutions for children with disabilities.  DRI visited three facilities for children aged six to adult, and one “baby” home for children from birth to age six.  DRI finds that Ukraine’s children with disabilities with the greatest support needs are living in atrocious conditions – entirely overlooked by major international relief agencies and receiving little support from abroad.  

Todavía en riesgo - Muerte y desaparición de sobrevivientes del incendio del Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción

El 7 de marzo de 2017, un grupo de niñas, niños y adolescentes iniciaron una protesta por el abuso físico y sexual, violación y trata a los que eran sometidos en la institución Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción (Virgen de la Asunción), en la Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. Virgen de la Asunción era una institución pública donde hasta 800 niños se encontraban detenidos antes de estas protestas. Las autoridades de Virgen de la Asunción llamaron a la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) para reprimir las protestas. Como castigo por haber protestado, un grupo de 56 niñas fue encerrado en un pequeño cuarto con capacidad para 26 personas de pie, sin baño y sin acceso a agua, donde las dejaron pasar la noche.

Zaboravljena deca Srbije

Ovaj izveštaj, Zaboravljena deca Srbije, se zasniva na nalazima prikupljenim tokom 2019. godine i informacijama koje su DRI i MDRI-S prikupile do vremena njegovog objavljivanja i odnosi se prevashodno na položaj dece, ukazujući na kršenja ljudskih prava koja nisu razrešena i koja se i dalje dešavaju u institucijama socijalne zaštite. Tokom niza godina, DRI, MDRI-S i brojne druge organizacije su ukazivale Vladi Republike Srbije na veoma loše uslove, zlostavljanje, zanemarivanje i nečovečno postupanje koje je i dalje prisutno u institucijama. Vlada Srbije nije preduzela adekvatne korake niti pozvala počinioce na odgovornost.

Serbia’s Forgotten Children

This report, Forgotten Children of Serbia, is based on findings of investigations conducted from 2019 to the present by DRI and the Mental Disability Rights Initiative of Serbia (MDRI-S) and, focusing especially on children, shows that these human rights concerns have been permitted to continue. The Serbian government has been put on notice about the atrocious conditions, abuse, and torture taking place in its facilities through years of advocacy by DRI, MDRI-S, and other allies and has failed to take action or hold abusers accountable.

Protecting Psychiatric Patients in Guatemala from COVID-19

Disability Rights International y el Colectivo Vida Independiente de Guatemala (en adelante “las peticionarias” o DRI o el Colectivo, respectivamente) presentan la siguiente solicitud a la Honorable Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (en adelante “la Comisión”, “la Comisión Interamericana” o “CIDH”), para solicitar la extensión de las medidas cautelares MC-370-12, de conformidad con el artículo 25 del Reglamento de la CIDH y el artículo 1.1 de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos (en adelante “la Convención” o “CADH”).

Urgent Appeal to UN Special Rapporteur on Disability

Disability Rights International and the Colectivo Vida Independiente de Guatemala appeal to request immediate life-saving protections for people detained at the National Mental Health facility “Federico Mora” (Federico Mora) in Guatemala City, Guatemala. People with disabilities detained at the “Federico Mora” face an imminent risk of sickness and death as a result of the authorities’ reckless exposure of detainees to the spread of the virus COVID-19, the failure to provide medical care, and their continued unlawful and unnecessary detention in the facility.


Основна констатация на настоящия доклад е фактът, че България е заменила системата си от големи и стари сиропиталища с новопостроени, по-компактни сгради, които продължават да функционират като институции. И макар новите къщички да са официално наречени „от семеен тип“ или „малки групови домове“, то проучването на ИПХУ установи, че те нито са малки, нито носят белезите на семеен дом.

A Dead End for Children – Bulgaria’s Group Homes

The main finding of this report is that Bulgaria has replaced a system of large, old orphanages with newer, smaller buildings that are still operating as institutions. While the new facilities are officially referred to as “family-like” residences or “small group homes,” DRI’s investigation finds that they are neither small nor are they family homes.

Infanticide and Abuse: Killing and confinement of children with disabilities in Kenya

The product of a two-year investigation by Disability Rights International (DRI) into institutions and orphanages across the country. DRI visited twenty-one children’s institutions – both public and private – in Kenya’s capital of Nairobi and rural and coastal communities. There were approximately 3,400 children in the facilities investigated by DRI.

No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine’s Orphanages

A product of a three-year investigation by Disability Rights International (DRI) into the egregious human rights violations perpetrated against nearly 100,000 children – with and without disabilities – who are left to grow up segregated from society in orphanages, psychiatric facilities, residential boarding schools, and other institutions. For children with disabilities, orphanages are a gateway to lifelong institutionalization in abusive adult facilities.