Orphanages are no place
for children

Documenting and reporting on the pervasive and abusive practice of institutionalizing children and adults with disabilities.

Global campaigns to end institutionalization and empower people with disabilities to make change in their own societies.

Strategic Litigation
To protect victims of abuse and ensure their full inclusion in society through international human rights bodies.
Eric Rosenthal, DRI Founder & Executive Director, spoke at the recent webinar, Making the SDGs Work for and with Persons with Disabilities: A UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue on Tuesday, December 17th.
View the event recording here: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k15/k15pdgmjgt
DRI’s Associate Director, Priscila Rodríguez, spoke at the First Global Ministerial Conference on Violence Against Children on how institutionalization of children is a form of violence and it needs to stop. Children belong in families and governments have the obligations to support them to guarantee their right to grow up in a family.
Watch a recording of the event (in Spanish) here.

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