President, Center for Outcome Analysis
Jim Conroy is the founder and President of the Center for Outcome Analysis, Inc., a non-profit firm that is devoted to evaluation, research, training, and policy analysis on quality of life issues in the developmental disabilities field. The Center is founded on the principle that service agencies should be guided by measurable quality of life outcomes regarding the services and supports received by individuals with developmental disabilities.

Dr. Conroy has prepared more than 250 research reports for federal, state, and local government and service agencies since 1970, written extensively on quality standards, and conducted consumer satisfaction surveys on self determination and quality of life measures. The video interview was conducted December 7, 2011.
“I first visited an institution for people with disabilities in 1970, just out of college... Anyone reading this must know what I saw. The average cost of keeping a leopard at the Philadelphia Zoo was higher than the cost of human incarceration at Pennhurst. I now work with Disability Rights International, by choice, and without pay, because there is only one organization that truly “speaks truth to power” without compromise. That’s the organization to which I devote my time, effort, and energy. No other group, no matter how well meaning, has yet matched the fearless resolve of Disability Rights International.”