Webinar Recordings:
English Translation - Protecting children & women with disabilities from institutionalization (English)
Spanish Translation - Protecting children & women with disabilities from institutionalization (Spanish)
Ukrainian Translation - Protecting children & women with disabilities from institutionalization (Ukrainian)
Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalization (GC-DI) presents
Webinar Series: From Words to Practice
Equal Rights, Diverse Needs: Protections for children and women with disabilities and other high-risks groups under the UN Guidelines on deinstitutionalization, including in emergencies
Date: April 30, 2024
Time: 9:00 – 10:30 EDT
Location: Zoom
Disability Rights International as part of the Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalization (DI) organized a thematic workshop on the Guidelines on deinstitutionalization, including in emergencies.
This event focused on children and other at-risk populations, such as elders and women. We discussed what Guidelines on Deinstitutionalization mean for children, women and persons with disabilities with diverse personal identities. We also heard testimonies from survivors and family members and discuss the implications of Guidelines to their advocacy efforts.
Presentations were followed by moderated discussion and polls on how Guidelines can be use to advance deinstitutionalization through intersectional lens.
Eric Rosenthal, Executive Director, Disability Rights International, on behalf of the Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalization
Featured Speakers:
Rosemary Kayess, Vice Chair of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
Ana Peláez Narváez, Chair of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
Jorge Cardona, Former Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Eduardo Verduzco, Survivor of institutionalization from Mexico
Milanoi Koiyiet, Protection, Gender and Inclusion Coordinator for the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Africa
Anastasiia Stepula, Advocacy Advisor, Ukrainian Child Rights Network; Founder of Diversity Consulting Agency
Cat Byrne, Lead Humanitarian Advisor Child Protection, Save the Children
Closing Remarks By:
Manel Mhiri, Global Advocacy Manager, Inclusion International