A Dead End for Children – Bulgaria’s Group Homes

The main finding of this report is that Bulgaria has replaced a system of large, old orphanages with newer, smaller buildings that are still operating as institutions. While the new facilities are officially referred to as “family-like” residences or “small group homes,” DRI’s investigation finds that they are neither small nor are they family homes.


Основна констатация на настоящия доклад е фактът, че България е заменила системата си от големи и стари сиропиталища с новопостроени, по-компактни сгради, които продължават да функционират като институции. И макар новите къщички да са официално наречени „от семеен тип“ или „малки групови домове“, то проучването на ИПХУ установи, че те нито са малки, нито носят белезите на семеен дом.

Alternative Report by Mexican Civil Society Organizations Submitted to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

This report is submitted to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter “The Committee” or “CRPD Committee”) for the working group of the pre-session 12, which will be held from September 23 to 27, 2019, to determine the list of issues for the CRPD Committee’s evaluation of Mexico.

Infanticide and Abuse: Killing and confinement of children with disabilities in Kenya

The product of a two-year investigation by Disability Rights International (DRI) into institutions and orphanages across the country. DRI visited twenty-one children’s institutions – both public and private – in Kenya’s capital of Nairobi and rural and coastal communities. There were approximately 3,400 children in the facilities investigated by DRI.

Todavía en peligro

Este informe documenta violaciones a derechos humanos, explotación y trata de niñas, niños y adolescentes con y sin discapacidad en instituciones Guatemala. Guatemala no ha creado las protecciones y el apoyo necesarios para evitar que niñas, niños y adolescentes, especialmente aquellos con discapacidad y viviendo en condiciones de pobreza, terminen en instituciones. A Disability Rights International (DRI) le preocupa que organizaciones privadas y donantes internacionales, en lugar de apoyar a las familias, están apoyando instituciones. El apoyo internacional, incluyendo el "volunturismo,” a instituciones expone a las niñas, niños y adolescentes a segregación, abuso, explotación y trata.

Still in Harms Way

This report documents the human rights violations, exploitation, and trafficking of children with and without disabilities in Guatemala. Guatemala has failed to create the protections and support needed to help children live with a family – especially children with disabilities. DRI is also concerned that private charities and international donors are supporting orphanages and perpetuating discrimination. International support – including “voluntourism” – leaves children open to segregation, abuse, and further exploitation by traffickers.